The Hunch Back No More

There are many reasons that a hunch back may develop (kyphosis), most commonly it is due to the degeneration of the spine. There are ways we can help the spine stay healthy and supported! This is done through mobilization and strength training the muscles that support the vertebrae. Mobilization is a large part of this because it keeps the intervertebral discs health. Exercises like cat cow and foam rolling are key ways to prevent and lessen the effect of kyphosis. Thoracic extensions (using a foam roller) Spinal mobilization such as cat/cow and side bends - When looking at the musculature of someone who is kyphotic who will notice right away that there are some very common patterns that you see. - Tight pectoralis - Weak posterior chain (rhomboids, traps, etc.) So what can we do to make this better? - Postural exercises (rows, lat pulldowns) anything that is going to work on the posterior aspect of the spine - Stretching out the anterior aspects (pectoralis) to counter act the years of forward shouldered motion. Those are my tips for you when it comes to getting rid of the hunch back! Remember you get from it what you put in! Don’t take life too seriously, Meg


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