3 Things to Do to Decrease Anxiety

Anxiety is becoming more are more of a common term used, whether this is because we are realizing that what people have been feeling all along is anxiety or more and more people are actually becoming anxious. No matter the reason there are some ways that we can help our bodies manage the anxious feelings we may get. Meditation – this helps by calming the mind and forcing inward reflection. Meditation gives us the ability to recognize the thoughts that cause these anxious feelings and to deal with them in a logical manner. Gratitude journal – this is a method that has come to light more recently, and is becoming very popular. This allows people to focus on the good in their life and start/finish each day positively. When people get anxious, they tend to forget what they are grateful for, by writing these down we realize how much we have to be grateful for in our lives. Don’t ignore it! Be aware of the WHY, this way you can prevent or prepare for it. When you are feeling anxious, take a minute to think about what just happen that made you feel this way, is there something you can do to prevent this from happening again? Is there something you can do to better prepare yourself in the future? Anxiety is a real issue; people are dealing with it every second of every day. Let’s not ignore it, support those who feel this why because sometimes they don’t even know why they feel anxious themselves. Don’t take life too seriously, Meg


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