Sleep & Health
Why is sleep so important? Have you ever wondered why a baby sleeps for 16 hours of the day? This is because when we sleep our bodies are hard at work repairing damaged tissues, healing and growing! People who don't get enough sleep tend to take longer to recover from exercise, sickness and stress!
A few things to keep in mind that are related to sleep:
Sleep deprivation is related to higher weight – good sleepers tend to eat less calories
Good sleep can improve concentration and productivity!
Good sleep can maximize physical performance
Sleeping well can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke
Adequate sleep also reduces levels of depression and improves immunity
Poor sleep is related to inflammation
How much sleep should you get? My rule of thumb is going to bed when you are tired and wake up naturally (without an alarm or distractions) for a few days. If you are well rested and feel energized and ready for the day when you wake up then you know that you got enough sleep.; If not – GET BACK TO BED! For most people this is about 8 hours a night.
How to get better sleep? Routine is key when it comes to makings sure you get enough sleep. By this I mean have a bed time routine – warm shower, tea, read and bed by 10pm. Limiting screen time at night is also a great idea as we all know how deep we can get in to the rabbits' hole known as social media haha.
Don’t take life too seriously,
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