2 Reasons Why You Should Do It Right The First Time

This post may seem intimidating, but I do think it is worth a while reading. Especially, if you are someone who is trying to lose weight for the first time. There are so many people out there who have tried and tried to lose weight, and very well may have succeeded (good for them! That is a tough challenge to overcome)! What a lot of people are pleasantly unaware of is that each time you try and lose weight it becomes harder and harder for your body to accept. This is not meant to discourage any one from losing weight because IT IS POSSIBLE! This post is meant to prepare and inform my readers of what they should expect and why. Because of this I have come up with 2 reasons why you should do it right the first time: You will never be more motivated than the very first moment you decide to lose body fat. With your motivation levels being so high you are more likely to stick to it consistently (which is key). The beset motivation to have is to yourself, proving to yourself that you can overcome this hill and life a healthier life! Internal motivation is the type of motivation that lasts the longest, and gets your through the hardest days. Here is the kicker, each time you lose weight the set points of weight loss become lower, making it harder to lose weight each time. This means that if your cut you calories to 1200 and exercise to burn an extra 300 calories a day, this works, you lose weight and the vacation …. you gain the weight back. Well, the next time you lose weight your body will need a little more umph to lose weight whether that be increasing calories burned or decreasing intake (higher caloric deficit). Here is a VERY informative Youtube video that may help you understand this concept more than what I can explain in a short blog post: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orh1W0sxCQI&list=WL&index=14 Don’t take life too seriously, Meg


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