Go Nuts!

The Health Benefits of Walnuts

Peanuts, macadamia nuts and walnuts. Nuts are one of the healthiest and satisfying snacks you can have! Nuts have the heart healthier polysaturated fats and monosaturated fats, these are compounds that lower LDL (bad cholesterol) (Drayer, 2017). They are packed with nutrients like fiber, proteins, and minerals.  

If you are going to eat one type, make sure it is a walnut. They have significant amounts of omega 3s which as you probably already know are important for skin, hair and joint health (Drayer, 2017)! They also contain the most antioxidants (anti-aging compound) compared to other nuts (Drayer, 2017) 

Because nuts are so calorically dense, a little goes a long way in terms of satiation and blood sugar regulation. This can prevent the cravings of sweets which can ultimately help with weight loss and prevent weight gain.  

Try making your own trail mix, add some dried fruits and a mix of your favorite dry roasted nuts for a healthy, satisfying mid-day snack!  

TIP: to reduce the caloric density choose dry roasted nuts rather than oil roasted nuts.  

Drayer, L. (2017, March 10). Are nuts healthy? Retrieved June 21, 2020, from https://www.cnn.com/2017/03/10/health/are-nuts-healthy-food-drayer/index.html 


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