Productivity to the Max

Prioritizing your day.
- Pick two things - if these were the only two things you got done today you would feel good! Write details on each - be specific.These are your #1 priority!
- Pick 2-3 smaller things that you can get done easily, that if you finished these on top of your first priority topics you would feel AMAZING!
- Write these things down, I choose to write them in a productivity planner but you can use a to do list or a blank sheet of paper. Just make sure you clearly identify your #1 priorities.
I will write these down either the night before or first things in the morning as a part of my morning routine. Right after this I try and knock out one of my major priorities which is normally continuing a project and getting some form of exercise. The reason I say be specific is because if you write something like “work” or “work on paper” this can be interpreted in many ways, trust me I was the master of saying “well, I read some emails - thats “work” now I am done”. Now I will write something more along the lines of “spend 1.5 hour writing an intro paragraph for my Ethics paper”. This means that I have to block 1.5 hours of my time to write this intro paragraph. This way there is no making excuses or wasting time!
The smaller this can be stretch for 10 minutes (whole body stretching, just lower body, whatever!). It can be read 10 pages of Sleeping Beauties by Owen King. These are little things that if I am able to get them done I will feel like my day was VERY productive.
For me it is very important to write the things that I want to get done in the day because it is so satisfying to cross it out or put a check mark beside a task! This keeps me motivated and productive during the day while I work from home. Without this I don’t think I would get half the stuff I can done! It is something so simple but makes the BIGGEST difference.
Yours truly,
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