Must Reads

Bestselling Books of the Decade | Reader's DigestI was never much of a reader, but after University I decided to become and that opened up a WHOLE NEW WORLD. I have read so many books to further my education, to further my knowledge on concepts and areas I feel the need to know more about! Some books that have been recommended to me and that are currently on my list of “to reads” are: 

  • The Lies My Doctor Told Me, by Dr. Ken Barry: This is a great book because it talks about the things we should be asking our doctors. Without giving too much away, it explains how doctors are not gods, they are human and they make mistakes, they have to follow rules and guidelines like anyone else.   
  • ROAR, by Stacy T. Sims PhD: This one explains how female can optimize their training based on their sex. What and when we should supplement, common ailments we may face. Exercise programs to follow. 
  • Becoming a Supple Leopard, Dr. Kelly Starrett: GREAT book if you want to learn anything about the art of mobilization haha. He is a GREAT resource for mobility exercises! 
  • In the Flo by Alisa Vitti: this is on my to read list! I want to read this one because I loved the ROAR book so much that I think this one will give good insights as well.

Yours truly, 



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