Work Smarter Not Harder
This statement took me years to understand. Exercising smarter not harder isn’t about working less, it's about working more efficiently! By working more efficiently we are able to reach our goals much faster and for lack of a better word “easier”. There are a few ways to do this.
- TUT: time under tension: the amount of time we spend in concentric and eccentric contraction.
- Compound: a movement using more than one muscle group
- HIIT: high intensity interval training (allows for efficient cardio in small amount of time)
- Isolation movements: movements that are made for a specific muscle.
All of these methods are used to increase the efficiency of a movement or workout. TUT usually, concentric for 3 seconds, pause at peak for a second and eccentric contraction for 3 seconds, and 0 second pause until the next rep. TUT can be modified to be goal specific: power (, strength (, & endurance ( Compound exercises like a squat and press are great because it is basically a two for one deal (working lower and upper body). HIIT is great if you don't have a lot of time.
Not only can this be applied to exercise but it can also work with our daily routines! A student studying for finals, or just writing a paper to a parent or guardian cleaning the house.
- When studying for exams TIME BLOCK! This has helped me so much in the past, when you are time blocking you give yourself X amount of time to study for a certain subject and then move on to another (even if you are liking what you are studying, it will give you something to look forward to)
- The same applies to home or work duties! Most people only work efficiently for 20-60 minute blocks of time and then the brain needs a break. So give it a 10 minute break!
I cannot speak enough to time blocking and how it has revolutionized the way I work and organize my life. People ask me all the time how can I work two jobs (granted they are part time - I still work 40+ hours a week), play at least 2 organized sports every week, workout, meal prep, spend time with my friends, run a blog, Instagram page and Facebook business. The answer is TIME BLOCKING! I use a shared Google Calendar where I input EVERYTHING, and it is all COLOUR CODED!
Make your life easier by putting in a little extra effort here and there to stay on organized!
Yours truly,
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