Desk Job Tips and Tricks

I see many people who suffer from back and neck pain, my first question is always - “Do you have a desk job?” Today So many people are required to stare at a computer screen all day long, well for 8 hours anyway. This seems absurd especially when you think about the science behind it.
Our vertebrae in the cervical spine (neck area) are meant to have a curve in it like the side of a circle. This means a curve angle of 32.5-42 degrees. So many people ONLY HAVE 4 degrees of curvature. No wonder why your upper back and neck hurt. With proper rehabilitation this can be improved A LOT. An exercise as simple as cervical extension does absolute wonders!
Cervical extension - this should be done as many times a day a possible, eventually accumulating 10 minutes bouts of this. When starting out try to get about 30s. It may be uncomfortable at first but IT WILL GET BETTER. Counteract the horrible every day posture and give this a try, I know it has helped me and I hope it helps you too!
Yours truly,
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