What The?

Exercise terminology can be very complicated, especially when it comes to the exercises themselves. WHAT THE HECK IS A ZOTTMAN CURL? Haha. The best tip I can give you is to use Youtube! There are some GREAT resources out there! To keep this post short and sweet I am going to give quick definitions on common terms used by gym goers! 

Reps/repetition: this is amount of times you will repeat the movement on a consecutive basis
Sets: this is the amount of time you will repeat each grouping of repetitions (if you are doing 15 reps; 3 sets - you will repeat the 15 repetitions 3 times)
Eccentric: this is the lengthening phase of the targeted muscle 
Concentric : this is the contractile phase of the targeted muscle
TUT: Time Under Tension, this is the length of time you are performing the exercise (squat 3.1.2 - getting into the full squat position will take you 3 seconds, holding the position for 1  second and powering back up in 2 seconds)
Power: your body ability to exert max force in a short amount of time (overcome resistance in a short period of time)
Strength: your ability to exert maximal force in one single movement (overcome resistance)
Endurance : you ability to repeat movement of a long period of time
Aerobic: requires the use of oxygen to our muscles, done at a moderate level of intensity of an extended period of time.
Anaerobic: does not require oxygen, exercises performed in a shorter amount of time (weight lifting, sprints, etc.)
Mobility: the degree that a joint can move before being restricted. I associate this term with activities of daily living (ADLs) and how easily you can perform movements, such as sitting in a chair.
Flexibility: the range of motion (ROM) a joint can move freely. Very similar to mobility but I chose to differentiate this as purposeful stretching to improve ROM not necessarily for ADLs
Recovery: this is the time after your workout that your body is healing from your hard work. This can be improved with proper nutrition, rolling and ROM work.
Macronutrient: the nutrients that our bodies need in large amounts (protein, carbohydrates,fats & water - See previous posts for more info)
Micronutrients: the nutrient we need in little amounts but still a required (vitamins and minerals)
Compound movement: a movement/exercise that uses multiple muscles.
Isolation movement: a movement/exercise intended to work one muscle.

I hope this gives you a little insight as to what people are talking about when they use these words in a gym setting. I know it took me a while to build my vocabulary. If you have questions feel free to message me and I will do my best to answer or find the answer for you, Maybe even post about it! 

Yours truly, 



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