Getting Started: My Why

I have a Bachelor Degree in Human Kinetics with a minor in Psychology from the University of Windsor. I graduated in 2017 and quickly became a Registered Kinesiologist (RKin) and Associate Ergonomic Professional (AEP). I am a forever student in the sense that I LOVE to learn and read about new and upcoming topics within the health and wellness field. I know, what a NERD! Oh well, I love what I do!
I am currently working 2 part time jobs with 3 different titles. Are you confused yet? I am a Registered Kinesiologist at the local Community Health Centre, a Technical Coordinator at chiropractic office and a Success Coordinator within the same complex (he also owns a gym). I love my job.
Every year I try to learn something new, whether that be a sport or a skill! 2017 I learned how to play slow pitch, now I play competitively. 2018 I tried tennis and squash, DEFINITELY not my thing but I don’t mind playing every once in a while. In 2019 I learned how to play hockey. Boy was this a treat – all 5 foot nothing of my decided to me a goalie…. I must be insane. 2020 I am starting this blog and a professional Instagram (rkinmeg) account full of tips to help everyone around me. I am very competitive and I do not like being bad at a sport (do not like, may be an understatement). Because of this I try and give 100% to everything (cheesy I know - but true!).
I realized how much I love sports at a relatively young age (around 11 or 12 years old), when I tried out for a travel basketball team with a friend. I did NOT think I was going to be asked to come back, I ended up playing competitively for 7 years. This is what jump started my passion for health and wellbeing.
The blog – why would someone make this kind of commitment? GREAT questions. I love to help people, with a blog I can help teach and share my experiences. I have put a lot of thought into what to call it, the content, how long I want to make the posts, my target audience and such. That was not an easy task so I just figured, I will be myself, genuine, maybe a little funny, helpful and a little all over.
Selfishly Me is all about letting people know that IT IS OK to be SELFISH sometimes. To take care of ourselves mentally and physically. This will allow us to better take care of the ones we love in an UNSELFISH way. So this blog is about me taking care of myself and sharing what I learn with you. I want to be able to inspire people to live a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE.
I will be sharing my personal struggles, motivation, experiences and more. You can expect to see tips and tricks, workouts, how tos, stories, and many more topics. I plan to make one 5 minute reading post once a week (Sundays) and two 1 minutes posts (Wednesdays and Fridays). The 5 minutes posts will be more informative and things I believe need elaboration. The 1 minutes posts will be workouts, tips and funny stories and thoughts!
I hope you enjoy reading this blog! Phhhhheewww – now that the hard part is over, let’s get started!
Yours truly,
Yours truly,
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